Assignment 1-1

This semester's text is very different from the text of the introductory course for GIS (Mapping Our World).  That text walks one through every step and includes graphic and images of what the buttons you should be clicking on look like.  This text tells you what they want with only a few hints of how to accomplish the assignment.  In doing this assignment I feel it took me much longer than it should have, as I had to use a lot of trial and error to get what I needed.  (In addition to searching the internet.)  The positive side to this is completing assignments this way means that I should better retain the knowledge and what I learned for both future assignments and for future courses.

Assignment 1-1 Word Document

Assignment 3 

A lot of geology work involves using data from various locations to monitor earth processes in order to try to predict landslides, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and more.  In addition, many geologists go into environmental cleanup type work which involves inspecting and testing water and/or soils of EPA Superfund sites.  By having an online GIS system integrated with smartphones, I can be out in the field collecting data and I can plug that data into my phone using the Collector app developed by ESRI for use with ArcGIS Online.  I can log locations, readings, rates of movement and more all while in the field.  I can then access that data  back at my office or home for review and analysis.  I can provide the data and maps to all involved parties through the online system and they can see the map and any updates in real time.  It's a fantastic tool that will make field work much more dynamic and interactive in real time. 

Assignment 7-1 

For this assignment the book suggested that in order to create new police beats for the city of Pittsburgh we create a new polygon feature and set its coordinate system.  However, this is a case of working harder not smarter.  We have the information we need already, we just need to copy it into a new geodatabase file so we can manipulate it without doing a lot of extra work.  So rather than create all new polygons, we just copied existing data and then created new police beats from that data to create the map below.  

 I've found that in just the course of pursuing my Associates degree in Environmental Geology I've already had to utilize GIS applications quite a bit.  First, when I'm in the field I use GPS coordinates to document where I either find features or take samples for environmental studies. As this project and my previous semester's poster shows, when doing environmental studies, GIS is a must.  I was able to map all of my sample locations, the heavy metal concentrations in that area and the relation of those sample spots to the creek and lake.  This is just one example of how GIS will be useful in Geology.  

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